Mens Behaviour Change

What we do

Warrina delivers a Men’s Behaviour Change Program (MBCP) – Safer Futures. 

The Safer Futures men’s behaviour change program provides an opportunity for men to learn more about the impact of their behaviour, taking responsibility and being a safe man.

Your journey of change can be strengthened by engaging in learning with your peers, which can happen in group work sessions.

Warrina is accredited with the Department of Communities and Justice to provide this service in Coffs Harbour and complies with the NSW practice standards for MBCP.

Safer Futures


Safer Futures is a 20 session group program that provides an opportunity for men to learn more about the impact of their behaviour, take responsibility and be a safe man. This involves a combination of 13 sessions of group content and 7 sessions of individual support across the engagement period. 

Experienced facilitators will provide you with information, support discussions around your thoughts and experiences and allow you time to reflect.

The group space is a positive place to build on your strengths and understand how you can be safer in your relationships.


The partners, former partners and children of participants are also supported through invitation by a Women and Children’s Advocate- for more information please click here link to WCA service page

How this service helps

We partner with men to set goals that are specific to their needs and the journey that they are on, to support a more ethical and non-violent life. We provide referrals to other services that can support their needs and we advocate for their access to those services.

We understand change can be tricky and at times overwhelming so we can also talk about what is getting in the way and make a plan to move past the barriers that might have stopped a man from taking the next step towards change.

Who it’s for

Safer Futures assists men who use or have used violence in their past and present relationships to explore their behaviours, take accountability and responsibility for their actions and stop the hurt and harm in their homes and families.

This is a trauma informed space, that operates with out shame or judgement.

How to access
our service

You can call safer futures on (0448 504 627)



A Man’s

The police came to my home after I exploded one night. They issued me an AVO that said I could no longer live at home. My use of violence meant that my friends and family had disowned me, and I had no where to go. I could feel my mental health spiralling and I had to live in my car. I could no longer see my kids because of what I had done and I knew that they were traumatised by what was happening. At court, I felt overwhelmed and I couldn’t understand what the magistrate was saying. The police explained to me that I needed to find another home and that I wasn’t able to contact my ex partner, or the kids. They gave me brochure for Fixed Address and suggested I contact to get some help. They said that I needed to change my behaviours, and that this program might help.

That first meeting I was so nervous I couldn’t even look the caseworker in the eye, but it felt safe because they didn’t judge me. After a bit, I was able to talk about my problems and make a plan to be safer for myself and my family. The caseworker helped for me to access some transitional accommodation and see a financial counsellor. I was also able to apply for a Working Development Order with their support so I could start paying off my debt from old fines that I had been avoiding

The caseworker also referred me to another program that linked me in with a psychologist who helped me with my mental health and anxiety.

Talking with them I learnt about how to manage my anxiety without using alcohol and heal some old wounds that I thought I would never feel free of. I always thought I had to just bury them and be strong as a man.

Getting this help also made me feel I could try and work somewhere and after the caseworker linked me in with an employment agency, I started working towards getting a casual job.

It felt good knowing that my family got support from the Women and Children’s Advocate, .

I have a parenting agreement now that lets me see my kids. I feel I am there for them for the first time in their lives, I can hear them laugh and I can laugh with them.